Episode 12 | How Bullying Affects Children
This month our host Janet Morrison is joined by Dr. Faye Mishna, Professor and former Dean of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. Faye’s research focuses on bullying, cyberbullying and technology used amongst youth.
Episode 11 | How Racism Affects Mental Health
This month our host Janet Morrison is joined by Professor Charmaine Williams from the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. Charmaine’s research focuses on issues of inequality and how that affects mental health. During this episode, Janet and Charmaine discuss the topic of racism and mental health including internalized and systemic racism, how to talk to children about the topic and what it really means to be anti-racist.
Episode 10 | What We Know About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) causes harm, pain and shame in mothers and children. Society is critical and judgmental towards those suffering from the condition, even though 1 in 100 babies in Canada are born with it. Join our host Janet Morrison as she shares facts about FASD, stories of those affected by the disability, symptoms in children and what needs to be done to reduce the stigma that surrounds it.
Episode 9 | How to Talk to Children About Death & The Different Types of Grief
Because death is frightening to so many of us, it is a topic we rarely discuss, even less so, with children. Join our host Janet Morrison as she explore the best way to talk about death with kids and how to support a child who has lost a loved one.
Episode 8 | How to Support Children with ADHD
Join our host Janet Morrison as she explores Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD in children. Learn why it’s probably the most controversial of all diagnoses, how it affects children differently and what to do to support a child who has ADHD.
Episode 7 | What We Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder Today
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition first introduced in 1943 by American child psychiatrist Leo Kanner. Join our host Janet Morrison as she shares the latest research on autism including early signs, common traits and the myths about ASD.
Episode 6 | How to Talk to Your Kids About Separation & Divorce
Divorce is very common but it remains a highly stressful and painful life transition for all family members. Divorce is very common but it remains a highly stressful and painful life transition for all family members.
Episode 5 | How to Know When a Child Needs a Mental Health Assessment
Join our host Janet Morrison as she explores 10 instances when a child should have a mental health assessment by a professional. Learn the general concerns which may warrant further investigation and how to know when something more serious needs to be addressed.
Episode 4 | The Real Reason That Children Lie
Starting between two and three years of age, children begin to tell untruths and many continue to tell untruths throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Join our host Janet Morrison as she explores why children lie and what we can do about it as parents, teachers and caregivers.
Episode 3 | How Trauma Affects Children
Join our host Janet Morrison as she explores the topic of trauma in the context of Children's Mental Health. The effects of childhood trauma are catastrophic, causing enormous pain and suffering and creating a significant strain on family, community and government resources. Learn about the different types of trauma children experience and what we can do to support those who are impacted.
Episode 2 | Why Play is Essential to Children's Mental Health and Development
Join our host Janet Morrison as she explores the topic of play in the context of Children's Mental Health. Play and play therapy both foster the ability for children to express themselves and create solutions in the presence of a caring adult. Through active, imaginative play children express their thoughts and feelings, adopt different roles and perspectives, and organize the world on their own terms.
Episode 1 | What is Mental Health and How Do You Measure It?
Join our host Janet Morrison as she explores the topic: What exactly is ‘Mental Health’?. Today, we hear the term a lot, however, people rarely talk about what constitutes mental health. Is it the absence of mental illness? Is it the absence of stress? Is mental health the same as happiness? Let's explore!
Episode 0 | Welcome to Catch-Up On Kids Mental Health with Janet Morrison
Meet your host Janet Morrison and learn about the topics we'll discuss on this podcast.